Hey mama 👋🏼

You know that feeling when you're lying in bed, exhausted to your bones, but your mind won't stop racing? You worry that maybe you're missing out on something crucial about being a mum. That fear creeps in, whispering that maybe you're not enjoying these precious years with your kids as much as you should. And the guilt? It's heavy, like a stone in your chest. You're scared that your exhaustion and frustration are robbing you of the joy of motherhood, and that maybe, just maybe, you're damaging your little ones by losing your cool too often (sorry only works so many times before it stops sounding like "I'm sorry" and more like "I know I do this but I won't change" 🫣)

But deep down, you also know what you want. You want to actually look forward to the day with your babes, to be able to handle your shit. You want to stop worrying about shit that just doesn't matter and maybe have a bit of energy left at the end of the day for your partner. And oh, how you yearn for just a slice of time for yourself, to hit the gym or dive back into those hobbies you once loved. You want to feel alive, to cherish these moments with your kids, to look back on this time with warmth and nostalgia, not regret. Oh, and you want to unpack your own baggage, so your kids don't have to carry it forward.

Not that much to ask, right?

  • Healing You

    An 8 week transformation into all things overwhelm, mum guilt and subconcious behaviour. Unlock your happiness,

    Yes please! 
  • Private Mentoring

    Motherhood isn't meant to be feel like this. You're exhausted, mentally drained, touched out, feeling anxious, frustrated and feeling more alone than ever... I see you.

    I need support 

Hello, I'm Steph


Motherhood is wild right? Whether you're 10 days in or 10 years in, it's constantly changing. You're constantly changing.

I started my business as a sleep consultant, because in those early days it feels like all your problems will be solved if your baby just slept through the night, or at least longer than 2 hours at a time.

But when the sleep finally does get sorted, sometimes we still don't feel like ourselves, and that's okay. That's why my support has expanded to motherhood coaching as well.

Read my story