My name is Steph. Wife. Mum. Mindset Guru. Your no bullshit, calls it as she sees it, new coach.
Hello there. If you're here, reading this right now, you're probably feeling how I used to feel. Frustrated. Overwhelmed. Like you'll never enjoy a hot coffee, or even your life, ever again?
2-3 years ago, I was in hell. Raging PPD, 3 babies under 4 years old, a husband who was working stupidly long hours and a stubborn streak that wouldn't allow me to ask for, or accept, any help unless it was literally forced on me (thanks mum).
Long story short, I got better at asking for help.
Once I finally got over my bullshit, I reached out for support from wherever I could find it (which was sadly lacking in Darwin unfortunately!) and I decided that I didn't want other mums to feel alone in this. So I went and did a bunch of courses, as I tend to do, and I set out to make my life, just... better. And now I can do that for you too, you lucky duck.
I use multiple modalities (mindset shifts, shadow work processes, hypno therapy, breathwork, Time Line Therapy and a good healthy dose of been there done that) to help you claw your way out of whatever areas you're struggling in and be the master of your own life.

I have been where you are right now.
Resentful? Ya.
Feeling like my marraige was crumbling and I couldn't do a thing to stop it? Yes.
Being so overwhelmed I felt like I'd never sleep again? You betcha.
Yelling at the kids constantly? Oh god yes 😬
Never prioritising myself and blaming everyone else for it? Guilty!
Multiple kids and solo parenting? Tick that off the list too.
Post partum depression? Unfortunately.
Showing the hell up and doing the work to become a better parent? Yes Yes Yes.
These days, things are much brighter. I run a business doing what I love, I actually enjoy spending time with my kids and I make it to Pilates at least 3 times a week (that's a bad week tbh). I communicate what I need and want with my husband and I ask for help constantly. Oh, and I don't really yell that much anymore. I've shirked society's pressures and expectations on me as a mum and I basically just do what fucking works for me and my kids.
If you're looking for another mama who knows her shit, who will tell you what you need to hear (not necessarily what you want to hear) and who isn't afraid to call the shots when needed, you've found her. If you're looking for someone who will pussy foot around, tell you you're doing the best job when you're not or enabling you to keep being miserable, I am not the coach for you.
As a mum of 3, I understand exactly how hard it is to juggle multiple kids and how unrealistic a lot of the advice out there is. I know you don't have hours to meditate or hit the gym. Buuuut I also know how to cut through your shitty excuses, get to the root of WHY you're struggling and sprinkle a big old dose of love on it so it stops yanking you around like a dog on a leash.
What I can promise is my utmost respect, love and absolutely no judgement. Unless you're giving your kids crack. I'll probably judge that.
So, if you're done hating your life and wishing your kids youngest (or even older!) years away, let's chat. I promise there IS a way to collapse time on this so you don't have to struggle for years and years.
Steph xx